About the project

The project

Site-mapAn evaluation and recognising a possible conflict during intensive farmland cropping activity and the traditional bird nesting habitat within the precincts of the Leven and Mersey River area – N/W Tasmania.

  • A recognition of cropping /nesting activates as affecting migratory timeframes within the prescribed precincts.
  • Assess the effectiveness of different methods of early nest locations and pre and post harvest site alert / marking and diversionary site-specific formatting.
  • Survey methods confronting site nesting in known crop types eg. forage and mixed cereals, pyrethrum, alkaloid poppies, commercial canning crops, waste sites, marshlands etc.
  • Farmers and Industry will be invited and encouraged to take part in the study

The endeavour

Interpret specie awareness, nesting and topographic mapping profiles and modified requirements, relevant food analysis and specific site availability. Identify natural, domestic and industrial harvesting hazards and conversion of waste site wetlands to viable cropping or water storage and probable conflicts confronting successful annual nesting outcomes. Investigate community awareness, landCARE attitudes, whole farm planning, crop rotation influences and interactive values with commercial cropping (companies), possible effect of pesticide and Rabbit Calicivurus impact.

The future

Investigations into the modified (ground nesting) behaviour of the migratory raptor Australian Swamp Harrier (Marsh Harrier or Swamp Hawk) Circus approximans and the possible reduction in population dynamics over time in the historically recognised adult population resulting from suspected influences.


The Swamp Harrier
A farmers best friend
Alison Dugand