What to do if you locate a Swamp Harrier nest

IMGP0978 Talons (Web)


  •  Pre harvest – place around the nest site with brightly flagged fence droppers, providing at least a tractor length (5 x 5m)  around the nest.


  • Post harvest – If possible, keep stock out of the stubble until the young have flown (at approx. 8 weeks old) temporary fencing is an alternative.


  • Shade is crucial – If the site is destroyed during harvest, a make-shift one can be created by placing three smaller bales into a U shape allowing entry/exit for adults access to feed the chicks.


  • Avoid handling the chicks – Talons are their best line of defence and can inflict serious injury, when in doubt seek professional advice.


The Swamp Harrier
A farmers best friend
Alison Dugand